I finally found the most amazing boots!I've been looking for a perfect pair of boots for a long long time! The problem with me is my overly large calves! I always find boots that say wide calves and then say 15"... that's not wide!! My calves are 18" and my legs don't just happen to be wide, but they're long as well. Thus finding a pair of boots that go right up to my knees (yet fit around my legs) is challenging! (seeing as how that's a good 20" from the floor to my knee)
I had a discussion with my SIL awhile ago about how her legs are too skinny and that all boots are too big on her in the legs. It seems that our family (and inherited family) is just a bunch of odd shapes... (hopefully her daughter, my very adorable niece, inherits my fat legs, and my SIL's skinny legs and morphs those genes into perfectly sculpted limbs!)
Back on track... I found this website from the UK called Duo that has wide and narrow calves!!! I found them to be reasonably priced. I mean really, whats a couple hundred bucks for an investment pair of boots? You can get calves as small as 30cm (11.8") up to 50cm (19.7"). Now this is the greatest thing I've heard in a long time! I fell in love with this pair of OTK boots, unfortunately they didn't have them in my size! But I wanted to share them with you in case you've been looking for a totally cute pair of OTK boots and haven't been finding what your looking for (doesn't look like I'm going to either)! My inspiration came from my SIL who bought a cute pair of Steve Madden boots this winter, and wears them all the time! I just love how they look! She has great style! (and no, I don't get some kind of commission for saying that!) Seeing as how I'm on that topic you should check out her blog too! Required2BeInspired Now recently she's bought a pair of cowboy (or cowgirl) boots and I love them! I figured I'd get my own pair when I got home, but I found these boots that are kinda cowboyish, kinda more dressy! (yes Natasha, I did buy them) They are from the DUO website and they are the TALAMORE style. I think they're going to look super cute with dresses and other things. I can't wait for them to arrive in the mail!
I just thought I'd share this fabulous website with you! I know we all have our own issues trying to find things that fit properly, and its so nice to finally find something that you can basically custom order (at a reasonable price)! The customer reviews are also nice! Helps you make a more informed decision! Happy shopping everyone!
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