Wednesday, July 21, 2010


So I've been getting a lot of flack from my Sister-in-law and my aunt for my lack of posting. I just have to defend myself and say its hard to post when I'm always on the go! I know most of you all have busy lives just the same, but I just never seem to get around to using the computer on my two weeks off. Anyways. I thought I'd just share some highlights of the last couple weeks!
Date night in Edmonton...
My wonderful mother practicing her baseball swing with golf clubs
                                                         One of the millions of pictures I thought I needed to take of myself after a few cocktails
Me and my wonderful friend Krystle who I miss tons!!

Golfing! (my new obsession)

It was sooo hot outside!  But yes... I'm golfing again....
Angie and I on our golfing excursion!

That's about all I got up to on days off!  A whole lot of golf, and a few days at the lake!  It was all in all a pretty good couple weeks!  Now its back to work, and I'm going to at least have some frequent posts for the next few weeks!  I hope you are all doing well, and I can't wait to go and read what you guys have been up to for the last little bit!


Unknown said...

Yay I'm glad your back!!!

Cj said...

So am I