My nails of the day are this gorgeous shade of red... with sparkles of course! The one thing that sticks in my mind in a child is my mom telling me that only street walkers wear this color, and I wasn't allowed to put it on my fingernails. So the greatest thing about being a grown up is that I can paint my nails what ever gosh-darn color I want! And I'm pretty sure I don't look like a hooker! I might be wrong... but whatever! I like it, and that's all that matters.
I painted my nails with FINGER PAINTS Nail Color, in Magenta Mood. Every time I paint this color on my nails it reminds me of Dorothy's ruby red shoes! Whats with me and the Wizard of OZ references lately? I have no idea...
The one thing I love about this brand of Nail Polish is that if your in a hurry, you only really need one coat. Its nice and thick, drys fast, and goes on evenly. The even better part about this is its affordable! I got this one from SALLY BEAUTY for $3.50 I think? All I know is it was on sale and I snatched it up as fast as possible!
This book was sitting on my desk during my impromptu photo shoot of my nails... I just started reading it and it looks like its going to be a good one! Besides... don't red nails go with a tophat?
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